Saturday, January 19, 2013

Triangle Loom informal

  A trip to Oak Ranch in Lompoc to pick up my processed llama - ready to spin!!!   This is a wonderful day trip.  The owners are so giving and amazingly generous with their busy schedule.   Their processing plant is great and they did a fantastic job cleaning, washing, processing my llama into batts ready to spin on my spinning wheel. 
 This is what's on the LeClerc 4 harness loom - making a rug from rags.  Coming along nicely.
 This was a challenge from a retreat I attended, where we exchanged each other's raw fiber and made them something to gift them with.   It's a ruffle scarf and the recipient was very happy with my work. 
 The rigid heddle workshop where extroidinary projects were created in just two days.  Great fun and I'll post my projects soon.  I'm still finishing the 2nd scarf and have to finish the fringe on the first, then felt it slightly. 
 This is a recent kumihimo project that I think will look great as a belt once i find some finishing hardware for the buckle.   Used parachute line and it came out great.  I'm thinking of making a thinner and longer one for Chuey's new outfitting.  

We had a wonderful day learning from Mae about Triangle weave Looms.  Simple and fast, a great way to make that baby blanket for my new cousin eminent arrival and my goddaughters new arrival.   Four of us gathered at my home, brought lunch and flowers and their triangle looms.  Such fun to know a new SCHG member from New Zealand who is so talented along with the multi talented Julie and Mae. We were all so pleased to hang out with each other, we've promised to make it a new habit.  Next we'll get some demo's on kumihimo weaving.  

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