Tuesday, October 20, 2020

October, 2020 Pandemic Month #8

 October 2020

Having lots of projects at home has helped pass the time and feel productive.  I've definitely got a good jump on holiday gifts.  

Two of my young cousins have come down with the Covid-19 and I'm monitoring their progress from afar.  I worry, fret but have high hopes their youth and good physical shape will get them through this.  

New projects are making journal books with my weaving as covers,

With the Topanga gang participated in a Dye Day with some wool from Auntie Vicki's BabyDoll Southdown sheep that I spun with a Spin-Together event last week, and dyed this past weekend.

Another project I've been working on is the VIOLET PROTEST which I've committed to donating (5) 8X8" squares using Red & Blue fiber textures (equally designated political party colors) to remind our Congressmen to try and remember to come together for the country. Heres 2 of the 5 that I need to complete by February 2021 to send to the art installation in Phoenix, AZ.Respect is with my pin loom, and Civility is from my Jane Tapestry Loom.

Joined a group for some Eco and Natural Dyes Study group.  Picking up some specimens to experiment with along with joining a lot of Zooms every week. Botanical Colors has a brilliant line up on Fridays named Feedback Friday. Thoroughly enjoy their guest speakers who bring us inspiration and knowledge. Never knew there were so many options to coloring your fibers without using harmful chemicals.  

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